Helping a Custom Home Builder Win a Prestigious Best in American Living Award

Digital marketing for the home improvement industry

CASE STUDY: FatCat works with Rufty Homes to achieve their goal of winning another BALA and receive recognition at the industry’s biggest event of the year. Discover the strategies FatCat implemented to help grab the attention of the nominating committee. In the home building industry, winning a Best in American Living Award (BALA) at the […]

Who owns your Home Improvement Company’s domain? (it should be you!)

Who Owns your Website?

Your website is the center of your company’s digital footprint.  And your website lives at a domain ( Do you know who owns that domain? If you don’t know the answer to that question, the bad news is that it may not be you.  Keep reading to learn more. What is a domain name, anyway? […]

How Can I Train My Employees To Be Brand Ambassadors For My Remodeling Company?

All of your employees interact with your customers in some shape or form (be it directly or indirectly), which makes them great candidates to be brand ambassadors for your home improvement/remodeling company. As brand ambassadors, your employees can reach out to customers on a personal level and help to improve your company’s branding. But how […]